We have developed our policy and research services to interpret and gauge the impact of national educational policies. We aim to respond to changes in a way that is supportive to our member institutions as they too respond and adapt to ever-changing and evolving pre-HE and HE contexts. We focus on:
* the pre-HE curriculum and progression to higher education
* the development and use of the Tariff
* research that underpins UCAS' policy work and informs the broader higher education arena.
Policy services :We have consulted on the following work:
* Promoting achievement, valuing success: a strategy for 14-19 qualifications
Department for Children, Schools and Families: www.dfes.gov.uk/publications/14-19qualifications/
* JISC study on good practice and technology-supported approaches to recruitment and admissions
Centre for Recording Achievement: www.jisc.ac.uk/fundingopportunities/funding_calls/2006/09/funding_recandad.aspx
* Improvement in the Further Education Sector: A consultative prospectus for a new sector-owned organisation
DIUS: www.dius.gov.uk/consultations/fe_sector
* Intergenerational Mobility report
Sutton Trust: www.suttontrust.com/reports/summary.pdf
* Response to Strategic Plan
HE Academy: www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/2008-13strategicplan
* Higher Skills in Work
DIUS: www.dius.gov.uk/consultations/con_0408_hlss.html
Research services: www.ucasresearch.com : The UCAS Research website has been created to allow us a forum from which to present findings, and to promote discourse on current and ongoing issues of importance within the UK admissions arena.Go to www.ucasresearch.com for
* current research
* latest surveys
* the UCAS research forums.